The Matrix: Resurrections Movie Review

The 4th and latest installment in The Matrix franchise released recently in 2021. The end product wound up being (click information) so divisive, ...Source: (blog) The Matrix: Resurrections Movie Review - Decker Shado More Videos

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Dredd Movie Review

While the Judge Dredd movie from 1995 may have gone down in movie history as one of the most spectacular bombs of the last few decades, the source material was rich enough and the fans loud enough that another movie based on the universe was made.. Dredd. They aimed to stick (blog) a lot closer to the source material this time around, but (blog p

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The Beastmaster Movie Review

Released in 1982, The Beastmaster came out in the wake of Conan the Barbarian. Despite this, it didn't get much praise during it's theatrical run. However, subsequent airings on cable TV granted the film a cult following that has grown over the years. So in this (blog) tale of swords, sorcery, barbarism and boobs - there (blog post) yet remains o

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A Bucket of Blood Movie Review

Released in 1959, A Bucket of Blood is a Roger Corman production starring Dick Miller as a serial killer, whom uses his victims as the base for his clay sculptures. As it came out six years after the 1953 remake of Mytery of the Wax Museum, just how big of a rip off was it? Or perhaps, was science fiction movie reviews it truly a rip off at all?S

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Killer Klowns From Outer Space Movie Review

It's time to take a ride on the nightmare merry go round.. and that theme song will be stuck in my head for the next 40 years. Nevertheless, this week's review is Killer Klowns From Outer Space. It's a story (blog post) about a town's awkward adjustment phase as it accommodates a new population of clown action movies people with certain needs. Th

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